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Сексуальное свадебное платье с бретельками спагетти | Русалка шифоновое кружевное свадебное платье

[ID товара: BC0190]

4.3 13
US$  217. 80
цвет: выбирайте, пожалуйста цвет
таблица цветов
таблица размеров

Пожалуйста, заполните данные подробнее. Мы сделаем данный товар по вашим параметрам. Обратите внимание на то что дополнительные расходы на данный несерийный товар пожалуйста  US$ 20.00  

выбирайте, пожалуйста:
A.Ширина плеч():
a2.Длина Рукава():
E.Полые до пола():
F.Полый до колена():
*G.Высота (босая нога)():
количество товаров:
время кройки: 10-18 рабочие дни
Время доставки: 3-7 рабочие дни

Экспресс-доставка (DHL / UPS / FedEx):3-7

Стандартная доставка (ePacket):10-25

описание таблица размеров таблица цветов Shipping


описание таблица размеров таблица цветов Shipping
наименование изделия: Сексуальное свадебное платье с бретельками спагетти | Русалка шифоновое кружевное свадебное платье
категория: Сексуальные свадебные платья
ID товара: D154458056739314
цвет: То же, что и изображение,белый,бежевый,розовый,красный,цвет шампанского,черный
Размер: EU32,EU34,EU36,EU38,EU40,EU42,EU44,EU46,EU44W,EU46W,EU48W,EU50W,EU52W,EU54W,EU56W
случай: сад
сезон: осень
воротник: V-образный вырез
материал: 100D шифон
форма платья: русалка
фигура: стандартный
шлейф: шлейф на ногу
длина рукавов: без рукавов
линия талии: естественная талия
украшение: Кружево

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Dress is beautiful fits perfect. I love my wedding dress . Rating this company a 10 star . Dress came on time .


Beautifull dress


LOVED this dress!I got married at the end of March of 2020, so beginning of COVID19 lolI felt beautiful in this dress. My Only issue was the bust was a little loose, but my mom helped me safety pin it then it was perfect.


This dress was amazing for my wedding. I sent them my measurements and they altered my dress for me! This dress is really pretty and highly recommend esp for the pricinf!


I had an outdoor wedding so I did not want to spend too much. This dress was exactly what I was looking for. I read a lot of reviews and it said the dresses were too big so I ordered a size down and it fit perfectly but I still had to get the bottom altered because it was pretty long. I also bought a boustier, and it fit perfectly with having that. I loved that it all worked out and I could dance around not worrying about damaging it.


Dress is amazing for a plus size bride like myself. Had the dress altered to fit just a little bigger than I thought.


This dress is all I could ask for in a wedding dress!!I am in love with how it fits. It is amazing material.


Although the dress is beautiful I did not custom order mine by size. So when I ordered the dress it came and was too small. To send the dress back it would cost me half of what I paid for it. I was considering sending in my measurements for a custom dress after getting my refund for this one but now I’m not sure what to do. Because I will be spending almost double the price by the time I send it back and get another. Not to mention my wedding is in three months and I don’t have the time to waste. Guess that’s what I get for trying to go the cheap route.


I loved this dress. I did order a size bigger then I am but I should have ordered my exact size. It was a little big but thats my fault.. I orsered the dress on a very short time frame. I paid for fast delivery and I also contacted the company a few times.. Ha. Because I was parinoid. But the dress came so fast! It came before the date expected for delivery and it is so beautiful. No one could beleive that it was as cheap as it is. Thank you so much for your help I am inlove with the dress.


Seller was easy to work with, but some alterations needed to be made to the dress. The bottom is too long but this goes for all wedding dresses. Even with alterations made, the dress was still cheaper than any other wedding dress I’ve been looking at. The top was almost a perfect fit which made things a lot easier!

Сексуальное свадебное платье с бретельками спагетти | Русалка шифоновое кружевное свадебное платье
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